CRC 1357 Microplastics seminar: 12.12.2022 | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Josef Endres | Closing the gap between laboratory and field tests to investigate the aquatic degradability of plastics

Monday, 12. December 2022
16:15, ZOOM or H18, NWII
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Josef Endres, leader Institut für Kunststoff- und Kreislauftechnik, Leibniz Universität Hannover
Closing the gap between laboratory and field tests to investigate the aquatic degradability of plastics
The Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) 1357 Microplastics has its own series of events at which, at irregular intervals, guests from the CRC but also members of the CRC themselves present new findings from the world of microplastics research.
The lecture lasts about 45 minutes and there is time for questions afterwards.
The lectures usually take place in presence on the campus of the University of Bayreuth, but they may also be attended in a LiveStream (ZOOM). The link will be announced in the newsletter on the day of the event. Registration can be found on the CRC 1357 website (link).
The CRC 1357 deals with the formation, migration and effects of microplastics and develops new solutions for this immense environmental problem.
The talk deals with the question of how the gap between laboratory tests and real environmental conditions can be closed for the investigation of the aquatic degradability of plastics. In this context, the associated technical approaches (e.g. "rocking shaker", microCT) as well as first results from them will be presented. The overall objective is to improve the understanding of the relationships between the degradation processes (mechanisms, kinetics, half-life), the environmental conditions (oxygen availability, temperature, salinity, light irradiation, time) and the material parameters (molecular structure, microstructure, specific surface area) for the specific development of aquatically degradable bioplastics.
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